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Resident Benefits

2 Filter Changes Per Year

We come out once in the spring and once in the fall to change out your filters.

One time waived late fee

Hunter Property Management will grant a one-time waiver of a late fee.

Response Time Guarantee

Nobody likes waiting for a response, that is why we promise to respond to all communication within 24 business hours.

Online Rent Payments

Save money on postage and never worry about lost mail. Set up one-time or recurring secure bank transfers or eChecks.

Fair Lease Agreement

Our lease is prepared and approved by a professional law firm - and is designed to be fair and transparent.

24/7 Maintenance Hotline with Live Phone Support

Benefit: Residents can reach a live person after hours for emergency maintenance concerns.

Secure Online Rental Payments

Save money on postage and never worry about lost mail. Never pay late fees again; you can set up an automatic payment of rent or manually control your rent payment electronically.

Online Resident Portal

Residents have 24/7 access to Online Resident Portal to submit maintenance requests, review stored lease documents, set up recurring rent payments, review payment history, and communicate with their point-of-contact all in one convenient place.

Lease renewal administration

This covers the administrative costs of preparing and executing a lease renewal and offers the convenience of electronic signatures.

Rental Verification

Respond to any requests for Resident’s rental and payment history from a mortgage company or another prospective landlord. We’re happy to be your credit reference.

Grow Your Credit

Your on-time payments will help build your credit. We report all rental payment history to major credit bureaus allowing you the opportunity to establish positive rental history and improve your credit score.

Home Purchasing Assistance

We love helping our tenants become homeowners. When you are ready to stop paying someone else’s mortgage we want to help you find a home. Use Hunter Property Management as your buyer's agent and we will give you $1,000 towards your closing costs.

Renters Liability Insurance

(All leases after 12/09/21)

Accidental damage to the rental home caused by water damage, fire, explosion, falling objects, and smoke for up to $100,000.

Pinata Rewards

  • 100 points in welcome rewards (worth about $10 upfront)
  • $30 online gift cards every quarter (worth about $120 over a one-year lease)
  • 60 points every month if a renter: 20 for paying on time, 20 for being reported to the bureaus, and 20 for coming into the app (worth about $6 per month or $72 over the year)