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Landlord Protection

What is Surevestor Insurance?

We'll keep this short, because everything you need to know about SureVestor's revolutionary Landlord Protection Coverage can be found in the one-minute video above. But the 3 things that you'll appreciate the most as a property owner are these unique benefits:

Drop Us a Line!

Protect yourself for about a dollar a day!

This exclusive product is only available through Professional Property Managers so by working with us, you are eligible to get this industry-leading Landlord Protection Insurance featuring Rent with Confidence Guarantees.

Rent with Confidence!

Tenant Damage Guarantee covers

Up to $35,000 for malicious damage
Up to $15,000 for theft/damage due to theft

Loss of Rent Guarantees covers

Up to 8 weeks rent if tenant skips
Up to 12 weeks rent for Tenant Delinquency
Up to 12 weeks Tenant Death (sole tenancy)
Up to 25 weeks Tenant murder or suicide
Up to 4 weeks for Victims of violence

Eviction Expense Guarantee covers

Up to $5,000 for eviction filing fee and defense costs if the tenant sues

Policy Benefits, Deductibles & Premium

Arrears at commencement of policy will affect cover. Max level of cover
Tenant Skip (Lease Break) 8 weeks
Tenant Delinquency (Eviction Order granted) 10 weeks
Tenant Delinquency (Writ of Possession obtained) 12 weeks
Tenant Death (sole tenancy) 12 weeks
Tenant murder or suicide 25 weeks
Untenable (due to malicious damage by tenant to the contents) 8 weeks
Victims of violence 4 weeks
Additional Benefits Max level of cover
Malicious damage to building and/or contents $35,000
Theft or damage due to theft to building and/or contents $15,000
Eviction filing fee, Eviction defense costs $5,000
Sheriff, Marshall or Constable fees $600
Loss due to use of Digital Lock Boxes $5,000
Service and/or companion animal damage $1,000
Re-keying of locks $400

Annual Premium

Annual Premium $45/month
Malicious damage and theft claims will have a deductible of $1,500 applied per event. Loss of rent claims will have a deductible of the remaining security deposit after allowable releasing expenses have been paid.

Eligibility Criteria

Scheer Landlord Protection Insurance is only available for properties that are managed by a Professional Property Management Agent. Cover is not available on any property with a monthly rent below $1,000 or that is located within the five boroughs of New York City. All claims will be settled according to the lesser of the rent on the current lease, or up to a maximum per month rent cover of $3,000 per month. Cover is subject to Policy Wording conditions, exclusions and limitations. You should read all documents including Key Facts, policy wording, state specific fraud warning, state specific wording relating to contracts with non-admitted surplus lines insurer thoroughly to ensure the product suits your needs.

Key Facts About Scheer Landlord Protection Insurance

This is to be read in conjunction with your Invoice/Certificate of Insurance, the Policy Benefits Certificate and your Policy Document. It is designed as a quick reference to certain facts relating to the cover you have purchased, the underwriting criteria and some of the conditions that apply. It does not replace the Policy Document and does not list every single condition, just those most frequently asked about.

Does every property qualify for cover?

Most properties do qualify provided the monthly rent is $1000 or above and the property is fully managed by a professional property management agent. Cover is not available for a leasing only arrangement with the agent or if it’s within the five boroughs of NYC. If you take the property back to self-manage, your insurance is void and you can apply for a pro rata refund.