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Top Strategies for Eviction Protection Every Renter Should Know in Springfield

Top Strategies for Eviction Protection Every Renter Should Know in Springfield

Across the US, about 44 million homes are occupied by renters. While none of these people want to get evicted, it inevitably happens.

A landlord may decide to evict a tenant for various reasons, and it's never an ideal situation. Being told you need to leave your home can be devastating, so it's important to do what you can to make sure this doesn't happen. Having a good understanding of reliable eviction protection strategies could help ensure you don't get kicked out of your home.

In this guide, we'll cover some vital eviction prevention tips that could help you avoid an awful situation. Keep reading for more.

Proactively Communicate With Your Landlord

One of the best ways to avoid the risk of an eviction is to maintain a good relationship with your landlord. If you and your landlord stay in communication, it will be much easier to resolve any potential problems that arise.

For example, there may be issues with rent payments. Evictions cost money, and landlords are often just as financially stressed as their tenants.

Through effective communication, you may be able to agree on a new payment plan that works better for you. You could also inform them if you're planning on applying for financial relief. This could help them rest easy about any rent worries.

A property manager can help facilitate effective communication between a landlord and a tenant.

Get a Lawyer

You have renter rights, and your landlord can't legally breach these. Most people, however, don't have the best understanding of these rights.

A lawyer can provide a legal eviction defense. They have in-depth knowledge of tenant protection laws, so they can look at your situation and show you how to avoid eviction.

It's important to find a lawyer who has plenty of experience with property law. It's a complicated field, so you want an attorney who has a proven track record of navigating it effectively.


When your tenancy started, you almost certainly made a security deposit. You may be able to use this to negotiate with your landlord. If you tell them they can keep it to cover missing rent, they'll be more inclined to let you stay.

You could also offer to help with things like property maintenance or other admin tasks. It may even be a good idea to ask them to waive late charges or reduce your rent.

They might simply say no, but it can be worth asking in a tight situation.

Know Your Options

The eviction process follows specific steps, including a written notice, legal paperwork, and court proceedings. As such, they often take weeks or even months.

During this time, you can assess your options and may be able to find a solution. Your financial situation might improve, or you could benefit from a government program. This may be enough to resolve the situation and avoid the eviction.

The Importance of Eviction Protection

Ideally, you'll never need eviction protection, but things don't always play out the way we want them to. If you're at risk of eviction, a professional property manager may be able to help.

Hunter Property Management has been providing reliable assistance to residents in Springfield with potential evictions and various other situations for over 34 years. Contact us to find out more about how we can help.
